July 7, 2009

Roti Maker Review

I purchased a jaipan roti maker after a lot of resistance from my family members. I was quite confident that things would work out well despite the poor reviews on the roti makers.

Some said-
It works for a day
only branded aata needs to be used
it should be eaten hot only etc etc

I discarded all that and decided to risk the money.

we did not taste instant success. we had to do a bit of R&D

we made a few mistakes

1. The aata has to be flattened sufficiently
2. The flattend aata was not placed in teh right location. It has to be placed about 1-1.5 inches above the center
3. we did not close the lid and the handle at the same time
4. DO not apply too much pressure. when you press the aata ball, a stranage sound start coming from the roti maker. Stop applying pressure just as the sound starts and open the lid of the roti maker
5. Make the dough sufficiently in advance and make sure it is soft enough to make phulka

once we followed the above steps, it was very esy to make the roti. we had nice soft rotis to eat

I was really impressed with teh way our roti maker worked

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